Another Great Appointment

Well, my weekly appointment went well today…just like last week. Blood pressure remains “high for me” but not “too high.”  Alayna looks great – perfect heartbeat, no fluid around her heart, etc.

I did want to share one thing from last week, too. Last week we met with the NICU team…kind of a meet and greet because Alayna will go there after birth (hopefully not for long, but just for some more advanced tests like the echo for her heart). The doctor kept making reference to the fact that Alayna’s condition is ‘rare’.  We know this, we know the internet stats.  He said it so often that I just had to ask him to define ‘rare’ – how many infants did HE see per week/month/year with this condition?  He chuckled and asked if I had inquired the same thing of the pediatric cardiologist (I haven’t asked the question that directly).  Then he said that he sees thousands of babies with heart conditions, hundreds of which have the more common TGA (only the arteries switched) and Alayna will be his first (in 24 years) with CCTGA (arteries and ventricles switched).  Wow.  We do understand how unique she is, but that put a lot in perspective.  I can’t wait to ask the cardiologist specifically now.

Well, back to watching Jessica.  This is about all she can take in terms of sitting patiently waiting for mommy to come play with her (Tim’s gone tonight).  🙂

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